…that are optimized for all devices
…that promotes & reinforces your brand
eCreate provides over 40 years of experience in the graphic arts and photography as well as almost 20 years experience in creating and hosting websites.
Using creative, engaging imagery and photography, we have pioneered the development of new websites and inspired the makeover of existing websites.
eCreate serves the Asheville area and Western North Carolina.
Being a typically rebellious son, however, I was determined to make my own way in the world. In college I studied architecture and won a design scholarship. I attended Art Center College of Design. Determined to be the next Frank Lloyd Wright I headed into the world of construction.
For twenty years I designed, drew plans, developed critical path schedules, and managed capital construction projects. But, I was always at my highest motivation when I was preparing presentations for clients, or doing audio-video for P.R., or preparing exhibits for sales conventions.
The advent of the personal computer gave me a new tool to develop presentations using spreadsheets and database. When the first Mac hit in 1984 and then the first laserprinter, and what you saw was what you got, the presentation aspect of what I did took a quantum leap. Suddenly my graphic, design and project management background, combined with this new technology, created a demand for presentations and graphics that exceeded everything else.
Then the Internet:
eMail ⇒ ePublishing ⇒ eCommerce ⇒ ePiphany ⇒ electronic Creativity ⇒ eCreate
Sweet irony. The rebellious pen & ink designer …is now a pixel designer.
The prodigal son has come home.
Jack would be pleased.
James Matthews brings his experience in copy writing and photography.
A graduate of Xavier University, he has a degree in English, experience in journalism, photo-journalism and portrait, special event and product photography.
And if that's not enough, he's a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol with expert credentials in Search and Rescue.